At last Labor Day weekend is upon us once again. This weekend
marks so many special things doesn’t it.? The kids are back in school and the
cries of “but I am bored” no longer echo across the playrooms and backyards of
North America. College football season begins as we rediscover that violence
with half naked women cheering the contestants to greater fury is the true embodiment
of America. The pennant races are real now as baseball gets serious. It is celebrated
the same way we celebrated all our holidays with copious amounts of alcohol,
the ritual burning of tasty dead animals in the back yard and road trips down
crowded highways.
Most of us have some vague idea of what the holiday celebrates.
It is to honor all those who work right? The image many of us get is that of a factory
worker or coal miner when we think of Labor Day at all. Indeed the holiday was
started to honor them and the growing Labor Union movement at the start of the industrial
revolution. It is a day to honor the contributions and sacrifices of all those
whose labor built this country and continues to feed the engine of production.
The men who built the skyscrapers, poured the steel, mixed the concrete and
laid the block that form the foundation of this great nation. The celebration started
in Oregon and spread around the country. By the time it became a federal
holiday in 1894 in the aftermath of the Pullman strike, 30 states already had
set aside a day to celebrate the contributions of the labor force.
We still honor and always should, these people. Those who
rise early and descend into the earth to mine coal, or head to the rigs to
bring oil and gas to the surface power our nation. The factory workers assemble
the products that make our daily lives better. Millions of men (and women) with calloused hands load their trucks
each morning to build the homes we live in, the roads upon which we drive and
the buildings where we earn our living. Labors contribution to our nation is incalculable
and should be celebrated.
When I think of Labor Day I tend to broaden my definition somewhat.
I include every American who gets up and goes forward to earn their living by
making a contribution to society. I think of guys like my friend Carl in Key
West. He makes a nice living in Key West as a cab driver. Now driving drunken tourists around may not
sound particularly laborious I wonder how many lives Carl has saved keeping
folks from driving drunk or wandering around the streets Island Drunk? I think
of the Tic-Tac kid selling software that makes companies work more efficiently and
on a more cost effective basis. How
many jobs have been created because his products freed up resources and made a
business run more efficiently? I think of my journalist friends who chase
stories all over hells half acre and back to keep us all informed. What about
the kid at the grocery store who stocked the shelves on the night shift last
night so you had fresh produce and other products available to feed and care
for your family? How about the bartender who poured your drinks, listened to your
bullshit, put the right game on the TV and the called you a cab at the end of
the night? Or the cook at the restaurant who fixed that perfect meal, the
waitress who served you and the bus boys and dishwashers who cleaned up after
you? They all work their ass off and make our world just a little better every
The definition of labor needs to be expanded to include more
of us on this holiday. You know who I think we should honor on Labor day?
Working moms. Especially single ones. I don’t care if you are a factory worker,
an executive, waitress or a stripper on a damn pole. Be a working mother is LABOR.
Even in homes with a father present there are some jobs and duties reserved to
Mom. After carrying your fair share and earning a living all day women still
have to come home to the kids and be Mommy with baths to be given, homework to
be checked, boo-boos to fix, stories to tell, house work to do and other tasks
that are pretty much reserved to Mom. The
single ones have even more as they have no one to help them fix the meals, pay
the bills do the dishes or laundry or all the other tasks of making a home.
Being a parent is hard work but it is even harder for a working mom. I am pretty handy around the house and work
from home but no matter how much of I do my wife is still being Mommy after my
day has ended and I am parked on the couch with a book and a ballgame. When you
are celebrating Labor Day this year pop one of those cold frosty delicious distilled
beverages in honor of every woman who
works hard to earn a living and even harder to be a Mom.
We do not usually think of business owners on Labor Day as
they are generally consider capital and nor worthy of recognition. That’s just wrong.
These people work their asses off, rising early to open the store, dealing with
the bills, the supply ordering, the staffing, the taxes, payroll and regulatory
crap before the first employee arrives. They have to greet the customers, fill
in for whoever didn’t show up today, solve problems, be a marketer and
cheerleader, handle employee problems,
stay on top of trends and opportunities in their industry. They have to deal
with salespeople, vendors, complainers and regulators. The responsibility for
others families fall on their shoulders and it is a heavy burden. These entrepreneurs
get up each day to open the liquor store, the gas station, the restaurant, the
jewelry store, the barber shop and host of other businesses that provide the
products and services that make our lives easier and better. They spend their
nights with ulcers trying to eat them alive from the inside out as they sweat
out the choices between payroll and mortgage, new equipment and the kid’s school
bill, paying taxes or paying the bills and the other hard choices they must
make each and every day as they grow their business. As they reach a level of success they are the
ones sponsoring little league teams, buying ads in school programs, buying tables
at special Olympics fundraisers and contributing to other community causes and
concerns. They Labor to make lives better for themselves and their families and
by doing so they provide millions of jobs and make our communities better places.
At least one of those frosty gin and tonics in a sweat covered cold glass of
lime tinged deliciousness should be downed in honor of the engine of America,
the small business owner this labor day.
You know who else labors t and should be honored this labor
day. Immigrants. It is controversial subject and many are here illegally but a
good deal of that is the result of ignorant policy. There are some who come
here just to take advantage of social benefits and I am in complete agreement with
deporting these freeloading bastards. Same with those with criminal records.
Bye-bye thanks for trying, go the fuck home. But those who come here to work
should be allowed to do so. The image of the lazy Mexican or Latino is just bullshit.
They aren’t taking jobs from anybody, they are doing the jobs that our spoiled
ass society doesn’t want to and this has
been the case since the dawn of time. Immigrants have always come here to take the
lower paid jobs that society needs done. They have worked hard, sometime holding
two or three jobs to make a future for their family. I see the same thing today
in immigrants. Those that come here to work,
work hard and contribute to their new nation.
We need an immigration policy that can keep out the parasites and
criminals but allows those who to come here to work, contribute and write a new
chapter of the American dream. I hear
fears from some small minded people that letting all these Hispanic and Asian immigrants
may change our precious nation. There is no doubt they will. Just like the
micks, kikes, krauts, niggers, polacks, lunkheads, hunkies, hillbillies, white
trash, ragheads, frogs, wops, dingo fuckers, chinks, goat bangers, and other
races and nationalities that have come here in search of a new live and new hope,
they will change our nation. For the better.
We are a nation of immigrants and the great melting pot of America has room
for new generations of workers, builders and dreamers. I raise of glass of well
chilled glass of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc in honor of those who look to come
here to labor for their dreams.
I think of those in our Armed Forces who labor to protect
our freedoms. From basic training onward military service is hard work. It requires
discipline, commitment honor and the bravery to rush to the guns when required.
They serve often in missions they do not understand. They serve a public that
is not always grateful for their service. From the highest ranking General to the
newest private they serve for far less money than they could make in private
life. They labor for their nation and the ideal we try to represent and I will
raise a glass of cold delicious frosty beer in a salute to their labor and
I even think we
should raise our glasses this labor day to honor some government employees. The
policeman and fire fighters who risk their lives to keep our homes and families
safe. Those who rebuild and repair our roads, sewers, highways, bridges and electrical
lines that makes our lives so much easier and safer. Those who keep our
neighborhoods cleaner and free of unsightly trash and garbage by carting all
our trash and junk off to the dump should be thanked and honored. To those
teaches who labor to educate our children and push them to new heights of achievement
I offer my thanks and appreciation. All of those whose toil and labor to
improve our cities and towns should be considered this labor day. I raise this
crisp, chilled martini in your honor.
Of course I do not offer any honor to the bureaucrats, politicians,
administrators, tax creators and collectors and other parasites who live on the
public dime without offering any real benefit to society. To those who make it
difficult for workers to work, first responders to respond, teachers to teach
and citizens to thrive I offer no honor or respect. I spit this well used
cocktail onion in your general direction.
It is Labor Day. I think the definition of the day needs to
be expanded to everyone who rises each day to earn their daily bread, to provide
for their family, to offer their children a better life, to achieve their
dreams and earn their success. It does not matter if you wore a coat and tie,
grease stained coveralls, a business suit and heels or a nurses uniform if you
went to work to make your life more secure, your labor in pursuit of your own
dreams has helped to make our national dream closer to a reality. This nation
is built not just on the hopes and dreams of our citizens but the effort, yes the
labor that has gone into reaching for those hopes and dreams. To the dreamers
who work I celebrate you and lift my glass high in praise of your labor and
your contribution to the world.
Now light the damn grill, turn on the game and someone get
me a refill. Happy Labor Day to all.