Now consider the seagull. This bird seems to spend its
entire life flitting form potential foods source to food source. It circles in
a mad screaming frenzy looking for an opportunity to eat. It will leave one
food source if it thinks the flock has found a better one. One kid on the beach
with a hot dog can attract 100 birds fighting over scraps. Once one
seagull finds a potential easy source of scraps the entire flock and every
flock within screeching distance heads to it with a great deal of enthusiasm.
The late arrivals expend a lot of energy for very little food. It does not
strike me a very productive approach to finding food.
There is a great metaphor here for the investing process.
Most investors are seagulls. They flock from stock to stock, sector to sector
in search of the hottest and brightest ideas. There have been numerous studies
showing that individual investors do not earn as much as they statistically
should because of this heart seeking behavior. They trade too much and hold for
way too short a time to make a decent return on their investing dollars. All
too often they follow the squawking flock into areas that are picked over and
ready to fall.
We can improve our results by taking more of a bird’s eye
view of the market. If you look at stock right now the flock is swarming around
stocks like Tesla (TSLA) and Netflix (NFLX) that are popular and priced like
lottery tickets instead of corporations. Big dividend paying blue chips have
bid up to the point where it looks to me like they are trading for about twice
what the business is worth in a slow growth global economy. Large REITs are
priced like 2008 never happened and REITs are lining up to come public or do
secondary offerings. Restaurant stocks
have shrunk portion sizes and laid off employees so successfully that investors
are beating down the doors to buy the shares. When you step back and take a
bird’s eye view of the markets it is easy to see the pockets of excess where
the flock is fighting over scraps.
It is also easy to see where the easy pickings for long term
investors are in the current market. Every stocks are priced fossil fuels will
never be used again and we have found some magic solution tour energy problems. Many of them are priced at discounts to net asset. All these companies have to do is survive
and their tocks price should rise sharply over the next few years. Energy
demand may be relatively sluggish right now but it will pick up in the future.
Like it or not natural gas and domestic oil is the path to energy independence
for the United Sates and will be for several decades.
Materials and resource stocks are priced like the world is
going to end. I do think it may take a while for the natural human desire to
improve their lives overwhelms the incompetence of our politicians but it will
eventually and there will be strong demand for things like iron Ore, pulp,
paper and steel. . Again these companies just need to survive until demand pick sup
to pay off handsomely for patient investors.
Net net and near net stocks are the fat fish of the stock
market. When stocks trade at levels close to or less that what the entire company could be
liquidated for its makes sense to pick up a few shares. They are simply too cheap
not to own and history shows us that buying these stocks is usually a
profitable endeavor.
Investors would do well to emulate the pelican and avoid the
squawking flock of gulls fighting over scraps in their approach to investing.
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As a fellow Floridian, I like the Pelican metaphor. I'm also with you that large consumer staples companies, P&G and Colorox come to mind, are bound to disappoint investors going forward. The most recent net-net I found was Emerson Radio Corp (MSN). What are your thoughts now that they are trading for less than cash?
I am close to pulling trigger on MSN.cheap but those lost contracts with Wal Mart are killer. Still very cheap stock here
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