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Friday, September 27, 2013

Proven Performance and an Offer

I was going through my desk this morning looking for some research material I was using to set up my new International Deep Value Letter when I came across some print outs of articles I wrote in July 2012. I had used them as handouts at a business networking event and then just stuck them in desk drawer.

One was on the power of asset based investing and why it worked. I suggested buying 4 deeply undervalued stocks in an article called simply Asset Based Investing Works published on July 17, 2012. I suggested four stocks, an oil and gas driller, two banks and a staffing company. Had you purchased an equal dollar amount of all 4 your return through today's close would be 82% in a little over a year.

The second article was called Real Estate is the New Plastics published on July 31 of the same year. I suggested that 7 REITs were deeply undervalued based on the concepts used in deep value investing. If you put an equal dollar amount through today would be 41%. Not as good as the first article but not too shabby either.

Deep value investing works. It works very well and it works consistently though all sorts of different market conditions. I want to help use it to make you money over time.

In order to encourage you take the leap and put deep value to work making you outsized profits here is what I am going to do. If you sign up for my Deep Value letter this weekend I will give you $100 off . Instead of $499 I will let you have it for just $399 for the year. To add a little extra incentive if you join me today at the deep Value letter I will GIVE you a free year of the brand new International Deep Value letter just launched today. 

That’s what I call a deep value. Use this link to sign up.

Thanks .

Tim Melvin

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