One of the more frequent questions I am asked by readers is
what to read that can help make them a better investor. My stock answer is
everything. I am in the Charlie Unger camp on this on and think that one of the
keys to a successful life is to read often and always. I read at least two
newspapers every day to gain a sense of what is going on in town and around the
world. On weekends I plow though the daily papers as well as the Weekend
Journal, The Sunday NY Times and Barrons. I read several magazines relating to
the banking and real estate industries since these two areas influence so much
of what happens in the rest of the financial world. Of course I also am a
voracious reader of fiction and all things baseball as well. I keep up with
what’s being released in business and finance books but most of the newer ones
seem to be a rehash of the good old stuff. With that in mind here is my list of
books that should help make you a better investor and can even improve your
I do not care how you approach the markets everyone
everywhere should read Ben Grahams The Intelligent Investor. In addition to the
basics of value investing Graham teaches how to differentiate between
speculation and investment, something all too few seem to recognize today. The
book also outlines both the defensive and enterprising approach to investing
and help you determine which classification into which you fall. We are also
introduced to the critical concept of margin of safety and introduced to the
maniac Mr. Market who can be your worst enemy or best friend.
Martin Whitman’s Aggressive Conservative Investor also makes
the grade as a must read. The concept of maximizing returns through minimizing
risk through security evaluation in selection has been at the heart to of my career.
This was the first book on investing I ever read and the concepts and
techniques have served me well over the decades. Although the book was released
in 1979 be sure to get the edition released in 2006 as Whitman updated the text
to adjust for changes in the financial world. Whitman’s Distressed investing
Principles and techniques should also be read be serious investors adopting the
value approach to the markets.
The Little Book of Value Investing by Chris Browne is also a
must read in my opinion. I must issue the disclaimer that I had a hand in the
writing of this book and Chris Browne is one of my favorite people in the
history of Wall Street. He was intelligent, witty, articulate and a real
gentleman. I learned more from Chris than anyone else in the course of my
investing career. The book teaches the basics of the game, how to find cheap
stocks, analyze them and manage a portfolio of them.
As an aside I have always felt that it is critically
important to understand all approaches to the market and not just the one you
favor. The Wiley Little book series is a Phd course in market approaches that
allows you to quickly learn the various schools of thought from the best
practitioners. Serious investors and anyone offering financial services to the
public should buy, read, and keep the
entire series.
This will come as a surprise to a lot of people but I think
everyone involved in the markets in any fashion should read the Education of a
Speculator by Victor Niederhoffer. The book gives insights into the successful
speculative mind that simply cannot be obtained elsewhere. The life lessons
derived from sports, gambling and board games can be applied to both life as
well as the markets. Investors and traders alike who have not done so should
read it sooner rather than later.
James Montier is an articulate insightful writer whose
letters and article have been a must read for year. So is his book Value
Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investing. This book give
insights not just into picking stocks but how to think about stocks and market
to increase your chances of success. Any book recommended by Seth Klarman has to
be on your reading list.
Speaking of Mr. Klarman if you can get your and on a copy of
his Margin of Safety you should do so. The only problem here is that used
copies can fetch upwards of $1000 and is out of print. Klarman has refused
entreaties to republish the tome but you can sometimes find a copy by digging
around the interwebs.
If you do not understand arbitrage at some point in your
life you will lose a bunch of money to someone who does. Keith Morre and Guy
Wyser Pratte have written fabulous books on risk arb that will give you a
deeper understand of this complex corner of the market. You need to read them.
I rarely suggest new books but I am impressed by the wealth
of information in Quantitative Value the new book by Tobias Carlisle and Wesley
Gray. They do a great job of testing and explaining various approaches to the
market and using quant model to pick value stocks.
That’s my starter list of things you must read to make you a
better investor but my best advice is to read everything.
1 comment:
Excellent list Tim. I'd add Buffett's Partnership letters and Berkshire letters to this foundation, as well as Greenblatt's Little Book that Beats the Market.
Great reads... I still need to read Whitman's book.
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